2017 samochodem do Grecji 2017 samochodem do Grecji |
Janusz777 pisze: Jeśli chodzi o remonty to w ubiegłym roku było mniej niż dwa lata temu. Zostały oddane do użytku odcinki autostrady w kierunku Macedonii za Leskovacem. Bodek 1 ![]() ![]() za Leskovacem autostrada wciąż nieukończona,nie wprowadzaj ludzi w błąd Section Grabovnica – Grdelica, L=5.6 km The works on this section are financed by the World Bank. The construction is in progress. The contractor: Terna S.A. The section opened to traffic on 11.04.2016. Section Grdelica – Caričina dolina, L= 11.8 km The works are financed by the EIB. LOT 1 - Roadway and bridges Gornje polje – Predejane tunnel. A contract has been signed with the contractors JV AZVI SA & TADDEI SpA. The deadline for the completion of works: 31.03.2017. LOT 2 - Roadway and bridges Predejane tunnel – Caričina Dolina: contracts have been signed with the contractors: JV Trace group hold plc and Mostovik llc (Bulgaria). The deadline for the completion of works: 31.03.2017. LOT 3 - Predejane tunnel. Contracts have been signed with the contractor: Consortium Alliance X (ADVAL JSC and Road & Bridges ltd) - Bulgaria. The deadline for the completion of works: 30.04.2017. Section Caričina dolina – Vladičin han, L= 14.3km The works are financed by the EIB. LOT 4 – Manajle tunnel: a contract has been signed with the contractor Consortium Alliance X (ADVAL JSC and Road & Bridges ltd) - Bulgaria. The deadline for the completion of works: 30.04.2017. LOT 5 - Roadway and bridges Caričina Dolina – Manajle tunnel: a contract has been signed with the contractors ЈВ: Integral Inženjering, Prijedor putevi. The deadline for the completion of works: 31.05.2017. LOT 6 - Roadway and bridges Manajle tunnel – Vladičin Han. A contract has been signed to JV Azvi, Construcciones Rubau. The deadline for the completion of works: 31.05.2017. Section Vladičin han – Donji Neradovac, L= 26.3 km The works on this section are financed by the World Bank. Contractor: Terna S.A. The section opened for traffic. LOT 1 - Roadway and bridges Vladičin han – Prevalac 10.1km. LOT 2 – Roadway and bridges Prevalac – Suvi Dol - 9 km. LOT 3 - Roadway and bridges Suvi Dol - Donji Neradovac – 7.2 km. Section Donji Neradovac - Levosoje, L= 16 km The works are financed by the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Greece (HiPERB plan). LOT 2 - Donji Neradovac – Srpska kuća, L= 8 km, the contract has been awarded to Aktor S.A. The section wasopened for traffic on 14.11.2013. LOT 1 – Srpska Kuća - Levosoje, L= 8 km; the contract has been awarded to ''MBA Ratko Mitrović'' and ''Srbijaautoput''. The deadline for the completion of works: 21.12.2016. http://www.koridor10.rs/en/project-south |