Sezon 2020 |
DGorna pisze: Ta informacja bardziej przyda się jadącym do GR, niemniej jednak: UWAGA!!! Ważna informacja dla planujących podróż przez Macedonię do Grecji, Albanii lub Bułgarii! Na wczorajszym 66. posiedzeniu władze macedońskie przyjęły Protokół nieprzerwanego tranzytu cudzoziemców przez terytorium Republiki Macedonii Północnej. Cudzoziemcom udostępnione zostaną przejścia: Tabanovce, Kjafasan, Blace, Deve Bair, Bogoroditsa i lotnisko w Skopje (na mapie). Tranzyt realizowany ma być na następujących zasadach: 1) przy wjeździe i wyjeździe do Macedonii wypełnić należy formularz, w którym wpisuje się godzinę wjazdu oraz wyjazdu oraz przejścia graniczne, którym wjeżdżamy do Macedonii oraz opuszczamy jej terytorium 2) tranzyt ma trwać maksymalnie 5 (pięć) godzin 3) w trakcie przejazdu nie można opuszczać autostrady lub drogi lokalnej, najkrótszej prowadzącej do wybranego przejścia wyjazdowego. Nie podano jeszcze na stronie rządu, od kiedy przepisy wchodzą w życie. Te informacje powinny zostać opublikowane jeszcze dzisiaj. Są to przepisy przejściowe, które umożliwić mają przejazd cudzoziemcom aż do całkowitego otwarcia Macedonii. Ważne: Dear Sir / Madam, In the following link is info regarding plan for tourism: Please have in mind, that the pandemic still continuous, therefore there might be sudden changes. Till 1st July, road borders with Italy, Albania and North Macedonia are closed. Best regards, Embassy of Greece in Warsaw Info z linka: Greece is ready once again to welcome the world. Here is how: Phase 1 – Until 15 June International flights are allowed only into Athens airport. All visitors are tested upon arrival and are required to stay overnight at a designated hotel. If the test is negative, then the passenger self-quarantines for 7 days. If the test is positive, the passenger is quarantined under supervision for 14 days. Phase 2 – Bridge phase- 15 June to 30 June International flights are allowed into Athens and Thessaloniki airports. If your travel originated from an airport not in the EASA affected area list (, then you are only subject to random tests upon arrival. If you originate from an airport on the EASA affected area list, then you will be tested upon arrival. An overnight stay at a designated hotel is required. If the test is negative then the passenger self-quarantines for 7 days. If the test is positive, the passenger is quarantined under supervision for 14 days. Phase 3 – 1 July onwards International flights are allowed into all airports in Greece. Visitors are subject to random tests upon arrival. Additional restrictions regarding certain countries will be announced at a later date. In addition: Land border arrivals from Albania, North Macedonia and Bulgaria will be allowed as of 15 June. Visitors will be subject to random tests upon arrival. Arrivals by sea will be allowed as of 1 July. Visitors will be subject to random tests upon arrival. Greece at any stage retains the right to modify any of the above in light of changing circumstances. Frequent Questions and Answers Q: The European Commission has recommended to member States to restrict non-essential travel from third countries until 15 June 2020. Is this applicable to Greece? A: Yes. Non-essential travel from third countries to Greece is restricted until 15 June 2020. Q: Until 15 June 2020, all travelers arriving in Greece undergo a compulsory Covid-19 test and a quarantine. Is this applicable to citizens of all countries? A: Yes. All travelers, irrespective of nationality, including nationals of EU and Schengen Plus countries, are tested and quarantined. The same rules obviously apply to Greek citizens. If the test is negative, they are placed in a 7-day self-quarantine, if the test is positive, they are under monitored 14-day quarantine. The measures are for the protection of public health and are applicable to all travelers without discrimination. Q: Are there direct commercial flights from international destination to all Greek airports? A: Throughout the Covid-19 crisis, there have been direct international flights from many Schengen Plus airports. Until 15 June, international flights arrive only into Athens International Airport. As of 15 June, international flights resume at the Thessaloniki Airport and as of 1 July international flights resume to all Greek airports. Domestic flights have been allowed throughout. Q: What will change on 15 June 2020? A: 15 June inaugurates the gradual return to normalcy. Compulsory testing and quarantine will be limited only to travelers, irrespective of nationality, arriving from airports of affected areas with high risk of transmission of the Covid-19 infection, as assessed by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The list is constantly updated and travelers should check before traveling ( All other travelers will enter restriction-free and may be subject to random tests upon arrival. Q: What will change on 1 July 2020? A: All travelers will be subject to random tests upon arrival. Additional restrictions regarding certain countries will be announced at a later date. Q: Is there a difference whether travel is direct or via transit? A: No. The same rules apply whether travel is completed directly point-to-point or via transit. |