Koronavirus a wyjazd do Ellady 2021
Dotsałem takiego maila od Greka, u którego byłem kiedyś :

"Dear friends,
after a whole year of covid-19 pandemic, we would like to wish you good health for you and your beloved ones. Unfortunatelly covid-19 hit our door and took away our beloved mother. Therefore, we would like to inform you that during summer season 2021 we will accept only negative tested guests.
We know that states talk about vaccination passport to make traveling easier but keep in mind that vaccine may protect you from going to hospital or die but it doesn't protect you from getting sick and spread the virus. We are a family business,some members of our family have health problems, we have to protect them AND our potential guests.So,please get tested before you visit us."

Jak tak dalej będą szaleć to puste plaże powtórzą sie jak rok temu.