Koronavirus a wyjazd do Ellady 2021
To prawda, przy próbie wypełniania PLF mamy :

"* The points of entry / exit marked with a star are open to Greek citizens, holders of a residence permit or permanent residents of Greece, trucks carrying international cargo, persons entering for absolutely necessary professional travel (which needs to be properly documented). Additionally:
The points of entry / exit at Kakavia and Kristallopigi are open to holders of a Special Expatriate Identity Card.
The point of entry / exit at Evzonoi is open to ambulances transporting EU or EULEX diplomatic, military or administrative personnel or their family members to hospitals in Thessaloniki."

ale na głównej stronie jest to co ja wkleiłem:

"Travellers are allowed to enter from the land borders through the entry gates of Promachonas and Ormenio in a 24h basis and Evzonoi from 07:00 to 23:00."

Powiem tak, musimy czekać, nie ma co bić piany bez powodu wesoły jade dopiero w 3 tygodniu lipca, ktoś przed nami zda relacje.
Ponadto jak Turcy, Chorwaci zniosą testy, to wg mnie Grecy też troche spuszczą z tonu.